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Causes and Treatment of Depression in Adolescents

The Treatment & Etiology of Depression in Youth (TEDY) lab (Director: Christian Webb, Ph.D.) is based in the Center for Depression, Anxiety & Stress Research at McLean Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Our research focuses on improving our understanding of the causes of depression in teens and, in particular, improving our treatments for depressed youth.


 Current Research


Our lab uses a multimodal approach (ecological momentary assessment, passive smartphone sensors and wearables, EEG, fMRI, laboratory-based experiments and clinical interviewing) to investigate the etiology and pathophysiology of depression in adolescents, as well as predictors and mechanisms of change in psychotherapeutic and smartphone-delivered interventions for depression. Ongoing studies are investigating smartphone-based interventions for depression, behavioral activation, mindfulness-based treatments, as well as examining predictors of depression onset in at-risk youth.


 Meet our TEAM


 Participate in a STudy


 We are currently recruiting adolescents ages 12-18 for several studies related to mood and depression. Please click below for more information on ongoing studies.