2/1/25 - The lab was awarded a new 5-year NIMH R01 focused on using smartphone sensors and wearables to detect emotional distress and depression risk in adolescents.
1/25/25 - Dr. Webb delivers an invited talk at the Harvard National Collegiate Research Conference
1/23/25 - Amelia Carlan, Heeya Ajwani, and Emily Broderick join the lab (see profiles under People: Research Assistants).
1/23/25 - Kristina Pidvirny, Nigel Jaffe and Christian Webb present their work at McLean Research Day
12.18.24 - Dr. Webb gives talk at the UCLA STAND ALACRITY Speaker Series
12.11.24 - Dr. Webb presents on a panel on affective dysruption in adolescents at the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology
11.17.24 - Kristina Pidvirny (RA), Nigel Jaffe (RA), Dr. Hadar Fisher (postdoc), and Dr. Webb present at ABCT Philadelphia.
10.23.24 - Dr. Webb gives an invited talk at the Bosco Tjan Colloquium Series in Psychology at the University of Southern California
9.25.24 - Dr. Webb gives an invited talk at the Center for Suicide Research and Prevention at MGB and Harvard University
9.13.24 - Dr. Webb delivers an invited talk on AI and digital mental health interventions at the Society for Psychotherapy Research in Brno, Czech Republic.
7.8.24 - The lab welcomes Mira Gandhi, Northeastern University co-op, to the lab.
6.11.24 - The lab welcomes student visitor Rhea Anand, a Harvard Psychology undergrad to the lab
6.5.24 - Dr. Webb gives invited talk at the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII) in Limerick, Ireland
5.16.24 - CBS Boston airs segment highlighting the lab’s work on depression in teens
5.3.24 - Dr. Webb gave an invited talk at the MIT/Wellcome Transformational Strategies in Mental Health symposium
4.19.24 - Dr. Webb delivers an invited talk in the Dept. of Psychology at Northwestern University.
2.15.24 - An article in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology co-authored by Sigal Zilcha-Mano and Christian Webb was selected as APA Editor’s Choice publication this month
1.17.24 - CBS Boston visits the lab to record a segment on our work which should air in a few weeks.
12.12.23 - An article on the lab’s recent research was the #1 most-read innovator story of 2023 on the MGB Innovations website.
9.20.23 - The lab’s work on machine learning and digital mental health interventions for youth was featured in an article by the Mass General Brigham Innovations office
8.23.23 - Congrats to Dr. Hadar Fisher for receiving the VATAT Scholarship Program for Outstanding Postdoctoral Students.
8.23.23 - A warm welcome to Dr. Hadar Fisher who just joined the lab as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome Hadar!
7.12.23 - We welcome Jack Ognibene as a co-op student in the lab. Jack is currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in Psychology (with a minor in Behavioral Neuroscience) from Northeastern University.
6.2.23 - We welcome Maddie Fisher as a student visitor to the lab. Maddie is a senior at Colby College where she is currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in Psychology with a Neuroscience Concentration.
3.15.23 - Congrats to Dr. Webb for receiving the 2023 Theodore Blau Early Career Award from the American Psychological Association (Division 12) and American Psychological Foundation
3.6.23 - Congrats to Dr. Boyu Ren for receiving the 2023-2024 Adam Corneel Young Investigator Award for his project: A Simulation-based Approach for Power Calculation in Studies with Mobile Health Data
3.6.23 - Congtrats to Dr. Laura Murray for receiving the 2023-2024 Phyllis and Jerome Lyle Rappaport Mental Health Research Scholar Award for her project: Characterizing Anhedonia in Teens: Linking Common and Person-Specific Patterns of Resting-State Network Connectivity to Clinical Outcomes.
10.31.22 - Our paper “Which adolescents are well-suited to app-based mindfulness training? A randomized clinical trial and data-driven approach for personalized recommendations” in JCCP was selected as APA’s Editor’s Choice article
6.14.22 - 4 new members to the team: We welcome 2 new full-time RAs (Nigel Jaffe and Kristina Pidvirny) and 2 student visitors (Avalon Edwards and Emily Arnott).
4.15.22 - Congrats to Emma Balkind (RA) who will be starting her PhD in clinical psychology at Suffolk University!
2.9.22 - Lab postdoc Dr. Hannah Lawrence will be starting an Assistant Professor position at Oregon State University in the Fall. Congrats Hannah!
9.30.21 - Psychology Today included an article on the TEDY Lab’s research on mindfulness apps for teens (link here)
9.7.21 - TEDY Lab research on mindfulness apps featured in an article on the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation website (link here)
8.12.21 - Congrats to McLean Mental Health Research Summer Program (MMHRSP) fellow Miranda Brown for receiving top prize for her presentation Differences in Self-Concepts of Adolescents Based on Anhedonia & Gender Identity!
6.15.21 - The lab was awarded a new 5-year R01 grant from NIH/NCCIH: Mechanisms and Predictors of Change in App-Based Mindfulness Training for Adolescents
6.14.21 - Hallie Brown and Anna Tierney join the lab as new Research Assistants. Welcome Hallie and Anna!
6.11.21 - Congrats to Dr. Hannah Lawrence for receiving the JCCAP Future Directions Launch Award!
6.1.21 - Dr. Webb receives the Anne Marie Albano Early Career Award from ABCT.
6.1.21 - Miranda Brown joins the lab as part of the new McLean Mental Health Research Summer Program
5.1.21 - Bri Pastro will be heading to Fordham University for her PhD in Clinical Psychology and Nathaniel Lovell-Smith will be heading to Penn State for his PhD in Clinical Psychology. Congrats to both!
4.1.21 - Dr. Hannah Lawrence receives an AIM Clinical Science Fellow Grant AND American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
3.1.21 - Dr. Webb is promoted to Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School