If you’re interested in participating in a study or want to learn more, please contact nigel jaffe at njaffe@MCLEAN.HARVARD.EDU or 617-855-4246

Headspace STudy

Would the study be good for me?

  • You’re between the ages of 13-18

  • You ruminate or get stuck on negative thoughts

What does the study involve?

  • An initial visit at McLean Hospital (approx. 3 hours) involving questionnaires, computer-based tasks and MRI brain scan

  • Randomly assigned to 30 days of meditation app vs. recharge app

  • Return to McLean Hospital 30 days after your initial visit for more questionnaires, computer-based tasks and an MRI brain scan.

  • You can earn up to $285 for participating.

Low Mood (KTGF) STudy

Would the study be good for me?

  • You’re between the ages of 12-18

  • You either have no symptoms of depression OR you’re experiencing less interest or pleasure in the things you used to enjoy.

What does the study involve?

  • Two visits to McLean Hospital (approx. 3 hours each) involving questionnaires and an MRI brain scan

  • Brief online questionnaires and phone calls every 3-6 months for 2 years.

  • You can earn up to $282 for participating


Predicting Depression Onset STudy

Would the study be good for me?

  • You are a parent who is currently depressed or has previously experienced depression

  • Have a healthy teen between the ages of 12-15

What does the study involve?

  • Two visits to McLean Hospital (approx. 3 hours each) involving questionnaires and an MRI brain scan (for your teen)

  • Brief online questionnaires and phone calls every 6 months for 2 years.

  • Your teen can earn up to $277 for participating